The battle against TRUTH DECAY
In 2018, two years after President Trump was inaugurated, the Rand Corporation published the results of a detailed study on the difficulties Americans face in determining what is true and what isn’t, and how that affects our trust in institutions and in each other. They labeled the results of the study "Truth Decay." The report examines the blurring of facts and opinions, cognitive bias, misinformation, and dramatic changes in our shared information systems.
       Truth decay is nothing new. There have always been differences of opinion among Americans. Loud, passionate town-square debate is a hallmark of the American persona. But something has changed. Blatant disregard of verifiable facts coupled with a tsunami of falsehoods and disinformation is a disturbing manifestation of the internet age.
        Arizona End-of-Life Options, along with our national partners and pro-MAID organizations in other states, are striving to set the record straight by making sure that residents have the facts they need to make informed decisions about their end-of-life care. Here in Arizona, there is an especially pernicious and influential organization that condemns everything our organization stands for regarding medical aid in dying.They contend that so-called “physician-assisted suicide” laws “devalue human life, turn medical care upside down, endanger the weak and vulnerable, and are ripe for abuse.”
          Our opponents sidestep time-tested facts about MAID by generating misinformation and false narratives and misinformation. AZELO's communications rely solely on data provided by independent research companies, professional medical associations, and government-mandated annual reporting from states where MAID is already available to some 70 million Americans. In that spirit, immediately below you will find an informational summary called "Data, Not Dogma," It is aimed at setting the record straight, citing verifiable facts, and ignoring threadbare opinions and truth-blind doctrine propagated by those organizations and individuals who believe that they, not you, know how to live your best life.
Here are the facts:
MAID improves end-of-life care.

Studies show palliative (“comfort”) care actually improves for both patients and families in states with medical aid in dying. Medical aid in dying helps far more people than those who ultimately choose to use it. 
MAID gives patients complete autonomy.
The patient is always in charge. They apply for the process. They request the medication. They take it. And they can change their mind at any time.
Doctors support MAID.
A December 2018 Medscape survey reported that more than half (58%) of U.S. physicians support the practice — up from 46% in 2010. Medscape is the leading online global authority for physicians and healthcare professionals. 
The American public wants MAID.
About 7 in 10 Americans favor laws making MAID legal. That is the consensus of three highly respected national surveys: May 2018 Gallup poll, September 2016 LifeWay Research poll. and November 2014 Harris poll. The practice also claims majority support among people who attend church, people of all ideological views (conservatives, moderates and liberals), people from both political parties and all races and ethnicities.
Arizonans support MAID.
In the most recent survey conducted by the Behavior Research Center of Arizona, residents favor right-to-die legislation by 56% to 31%.
MAID laws include more than a dozen safeguards.
Two doctors must confirm that the patient has six months or less to live — due to terminal illness, not because of age or disability. Two doctors and two independent witnesses must attest that no coercion exists. MAID has been safely practiced in authorized jurisdictions for a combined 40 years. Not a single case of abuse or coercion nor any criminal or disciplinary charges have ever been filed. Not one.
MAID includes strict eligibility requirements.
A patient must be an adult, have six months or less to live, be able to make an informed health care decision and be able to take the prescription medication themselves.
MAID does not place any demographic at risk.
The Journal of Medical Ethics reports that, “Rates of assisted dying in Oregon...showed no evidence of heightened risk for the elderly, women, the uninsured...people with low educational status, the poor, the physically disabled or chronically ill, minors, people with psychiatric illnesses including depression, or racial or ethnic minorities, compared with background populations.” MAID does not endanger the weak or the vulnerable.
Welcome, Democrats of Greater Tucson

Arizona End-of-Life Option (AZELO) extends a warm welcome to
members of Democrats of Greater Tucson who, effective with this edition, join our ever-expanding statewide newsletter network. The group was invited to share in communications related to medical aid in dying following a recent Zoom webinar presented by AZELO President Dr. Dwight Moore and moderated by Larry Bodine, President of Democrats of Greater Tucson.
          For those who have not seen Dr. Moore's straightforward,
fact-packed presentation, it is now available here.
          In addition, a schedule of upcoming webinars, plus a wealth
of information about the concept of medical aid in dying (MAID)
is available on our website.
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Arizona End-of-Life Options

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c/o 15786 W. Merrell St., Goodyear, AZ 85395