AZELO continues to work with a broad coalition of organizations to advance and improve End-Of-Life (EOL) Options for Arizona residents through policy and legislation. As we look at the upcoming legislative session that begins in January 2024, the political environment does not seem conducive for passing a full Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) law this session. While legalizing MAID remains the goal, the coalition is working towards some interim steps that will increase EOL Options and will clarify some ambiguities in the current laws that, we believe, are making it more difficult for Arizonans to access the services that are legally available to them.
In particular, we are examining areas related to Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED). VSED is legal in Arizona, but it is not specifically authorized in an advance directive. We are working on a bill that would do this in Arizona and thus, make it more likely to be honored.
These efforts are in the early stages, and we will keep you informed as they develop. In the meantime, we are looking for people who have experience with VSED either as a medical professional or as a caregiver/family member/ friend of someone who has used or tried to use VSED. Please see the Calls to Action below if you fall into either of these categories.
Note: all direct political activity or lobbying is funded by the Choices Arizona political fund.