After crossing over to the House last week (SB068), an amendment to reduce the waiting period and expand the number of practitioners who can participate, is scheduled for a public hearing in the House Health and Human Service Committee on April 2.
After a short public hearing in the House House Commerce Finance & Policy Committee, End of Life Option Act (HF1930) was rereferred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. If passed there, nearly 6 million Minnesotans will have access to Death with Dignity.
New Hampshire
End of Life Option Act (HB1283) was voted out of the House with a 179-176 vote in favor. The bill now crossesover to the Senate making this the closest a death with dignity bill in NH has ever come to passage
Washington State
On March 28th, Governor Inslee signed the 2023-2025 Supplemental Operating Budget which includes $250,000 for End of Life Washington which will enable EOLWA to continue to improve access to end-of-Life care.
And more news:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Indiana, Maryland