Approximately 72 million Americans in ten states have the right to medical aid in dying if they become terminally ill.

But not in the beautiful state of Arizona!

Our Mission: To educate Arizonans about medical aid in dying as a compassionate end-of-life option for the terminally ill.

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About Arizona End-of-Life Options

An Arizona Medical Aid in Dying Law

Arizona End-of-Life Options is a grassroots volunteer coalition, organized to educate Arizonans about a state medical aid in dying law making it possible for terminally ill Arizona residents to legally obtain medications that eliminate undue and prolonged suffering at the end of life.

The proposed legislation is modeled after time-tested laws already in effect in Oregon, Washington, California, Colorado, New Mexico, New Jersey, Vermont, Maine, Hawaii, and the District of Columbia (Montana also has it by court decision).

As is true in all these states, utilizing this end of life option is straightforward and easy to understand. Yet it includes many legal, medical and ethical safeguards to prevent abuse or misuse. These safeguards have been proven effective for over two decades since the first such law took effect in Oregon in 1997.

2022 Poll

A Majority of Arizonans Support a Medical Aid in Dying Law!

General (2022)

60% in favor, 13% oppose

Seniors (2022)

64% in favor, 14% oppose

Doctors (2018)

53% in favor, 27% oppose

Arizona Voices for Medical Aid in Dying

Personal stories from Arizonans illustrate how a medical aid in dying law would benefit them.

This booklet is available as follows:

Medical Aid in Dying: A Guide for Patients and Supporters. Booklet by the American Clinicians Academy on Medical Aid in Dying. Although written primarily for those who have access to medical aid in dying (which excludes Arizona), there is much valuable information and insight into the subject here.

This booklet is available as follows:

It’s a Matter of Fundamental Human Rights

This is not a liberal or conservative issue — it is a human rights issue! Unfortunately, the primary opposition (which has vastly greater funds than we do) wants to impose its beliefs on all of us. That is not compatible with the fundamental principles of liberty upon which this country is founded.

We are the opposite. Medical aid in dying laws do not require anyone, whether patient or health care provider, to participate. Such laws support individual freedom and self-determination.

In the words of the Federal Ninth Circuit (which includes Arizona) in Compassion in Dying v. Washington, 1996:


“Those who believe strongly that death must come without physician assistance should be free to follow that creed, whether they be doctors or patients. But they should not be free to force their views, their religious convictions, or their philosophies on all other members of a democratic society, nor should they be free to compel those whose values differ from theirs to die painful, protracted, and agonizing deaths.” — Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

Our Partners

Everyone at Arizona End-of-Life Options is a volunteer (meet our leaders or volunteer yourself!). Arizona End-of-Life Options receives support from and works closely with national organizations, specifically Death with Dignity and Compassion and Choices. We invite you to visit either or both of these two national partners, where all aspects of these laws are outlined in detail on their websites.

Annual Report

See the 2023 Annual Report for Arizona End of Life Options and 2023 Financial Summary.

Arizona End of Life Options is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Privacy Policy: If you provide us with your email address or other contact information, we do not give that to anyone else. We do not retain any credit card information for donations.