Arizonans Favor Right to Die by 56 to 31 Percent (2015 Poll)

Phoenix, Arizona, November 9, 2015.

Provided that two doctors certify that a person is terminally ill and mentally competent, Arizonans favor a law that would permit such individuals who wish to end their lives to self-administer a lethal drug.

Support for such a law is significantly higher among older citizens of the state, as well as among individuals registered as Independents or Democrats. Thus, Republicans are divided down the center, while seventy-two percent of Democrats favor such a measure, as do 65 percent of Independents.

Support for a law of this type is relatively uniform in most geographic areas of the state, although it appears a little higher in urban areas compared to rural Arizona. Support is also uniform within the Caucasian and Hispanic populations, but falls off about ten points among non-Hispanic or non-Caucasian populations.

Men and women hold very similar views, with 58 percent of men and 55 percent of women favoring such a measure.

The findings outlined in this report are based on a statewide survey of 700 adult heads of household including 577 registered voters. It was conducted between October 24 and November 5, 2015 by the Behavior Research Center of Arizona and is part of the Center’s Independent and non-partisan Rocky Mountain Poll Series. The public is welcome to visit for this and other polls.

This Rocky Mountain Poll – Arizona (2015-IV-01), is based on 700 interviews with heads of household statewide, including 577 registered voters, conducted between October 24 and November 5, 2015. Interviewing was conducted in both English and Spanish by professional interviewers of the Behavior Research Center on both land lines and cell phones. Where necessary, figures for age, sex, and race were weighted to bring them into line with their actual proportion in the population. In a sample of this size, one can say with a 95 percent certainty that the results have a statistical precision of plus or minus 3.8 percent of what they would have been had the entire adult population been surveyed and plus or minus 3.8 percent of what they would have been had the entire adult population been surveyed and plus or minus 4.2 percent among voters. The Rocky Mountain Poll is conducted by the Behavior Research Center of Arizona and is an independent and non-partisan research program sponsored by the Center.

This statement conforms to the principles of disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

“Do you favor or oppose a proposed law that would allow terminally ill persons to end their own lives provided that two doctors certify that the person is terminally ill and is mentally competent. The new law would also require that the ill person administer the lethal drug themselves orally or via injection. In this way the patient would be in total control of their end of life decision.”

Other areas533215(+21)
Under 35503218(+18)
35 to 54563410(+22)
55 or older632512(+38)


See also Fact sheet of nationwide and state polls on medical aid in dying